How to Get Rid of Fleas from your House | 9 Potent Remedies

If there’s one type of pest that steals the show when it comes to being the most annoying, fleas are the ones. They carry diseases, and generally being a nuisance. The worst thing about fleas is that they are hard to get rid of. They are small and fast, meaning that they have the advantage…

How to Get Rid of Booklice | Top 10 Natural Remedies

When it comes to booklice, they are not as troublesome as headlice. It doesn’t have parasitic tendencies and won’t suck the life out of your scalp. However, just because they aren’t blood-sucking parasites doesn’t mean they aren’t a complete menace. Their infestation can be quite a problematic scene, especially when you don’t find them in…

How to Get Rid of Molds | 7 Ways to Keep House Disease Free

Molds are people’s worst nightmares. They are disease-bearing; they make the house look dirty, not to mention that they are responsible for ruining the foundation of one’s home too. If you are struggling with these patchy molds all around your house, especially around the washroom and the enclosed spaces, the chances are that you have…

How To Get Rid of Bats | 12 Popular Humane Ways

As much as you don’t like getting haunted down by bats at night when you are sitting on your patio, bats indeed play a crucial role in our ecosystem. Predominantly, bats are amazing pest controllers and help the bees and butterflies with pollination. However, their sudden appearance and their all-black color can be terrifying to…

How to Get Rid of Cats | 12 Easy & Effective Ways

Cats aren’t necessarily a nuisance until things go out of hand. With stray and feral cats, you run into the risks of a damaged and destroyed garden, something that most people don’t enjoy. However, if you are a pet lover and want to help out a stray cat that has probably gone without proper food…

How to Get Rid of Dust Mites | 9 Amazing Remedies

Dust mites are a pain, especially if you struggle with allergies. The constant sneeze and cough can lead to issues of respiratory health complications. Not just dust mites, several other types of mites are found to contribute to these similar issues. So, if you suspect dust mites infestation in your house and you struggle with…

How to Get Rid of Earwigs | Remedies & Preventive Measures

Earwigs or pincher bugs are a pain, LITERALLY. Despite their small size, they can push you down on the ground with their bites and how painful the experience is. Besides being found in creeks and trails outsides, these bugs are also found in abundance inside the homes, especially when they start the infestation process.  Besides…

How to Get Rid of Woodlice | Top Pest Control Strategies

The mention of lice might make you think we are talking about the parasites found in your scalp. No, those are head lice. Woodlice are different and a lot more out of the box than head lice. Woodlice are predominantly found in the United Kingdom, and their infestation can even get out of hand at…

How to Get Rid of Biscuit Beetles | Try Out These 5 Ways

The name “biscuit beetles” can seem very intriguing. Their name comes from the fact that they are found in your dried food in the pantry, especially biscuits. They are found in abundance in the pantry and kitchen cabinets, especially if you are someone who doesn’t clean around the counters and has a habit of not…

How to Get Rid of Bird Mites | 5 Proven Preventive Measures

There are many insects and pests that infiltrate our lives; bird mites are one of them. Alternatively known as chicken mites, these small insects are nothing but a pain. Although they often suck on the skin of chickens and are found in other poultry birds, they can often make their way into people’s homes, making…