Can Mice Climb Walls | All That You Need to Know


When it comes to rodents, they are often considered a pest, mainly because they infest rigorously. You will find them multiplying rapidly and destroying your belongings exponentially. This is the kind of reputation that applies to mice as well.

Mice are one of the most agile creatures that you will come across. Not only can they inconspicuously get around without any hassle, but they are also flexible enough to climb and walk around different surfaces, including the wall, stairs, etc.

Can Mice Climb Walls and Stairs?

Mice are fast on their feet and very cunning. They know that the last thing they want to stay in is an open space easily accessible to humans. So, you will often find them creating nests in hidden spots around the house, especially around areas beyond a human’s reach.

To make that happen, mice must find hidden and higher spots in your home and the buildings. They are so small and lightweight; upholding their body upright while climbing a vertical wall is easier for them than you think.

They can do that quite easily and without any hassle. So, not just walls, mice can easily climb stairs. Their sharp claws are also quite effective in gripping onto surfaces while they make their upward journey.

Another factor in their anatomy that contributes to a comfortable climbing experience is their tails. Mice use their tails to maintain a good balance in their body. So, when climbing up a flat, vertical surface, they can lay the tail flat against the wall and then climb upwards. The tail also gives them the grip to not slide down the wall.

Also read: 10 Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Lizards

Where do the Mice Frequent the Most?

Did you ever stop and notice that you rarely see mice lingering around the roads or the side of the building during the daytime? This is because mice are nocturnal. They like to climb out of hiding and scurry around the area at night. They are either looking for good food sources, or they are looking for ways to hide away further into their nests.

So, where are some common places around the house where the mice frequent the most? The following should give you an idea.

  • Always start with the attics because that’s where you have the maximum clutter from the house. Mice prefer scouring through attics because it’s dark, filled with items to the brim, and they are cold enough to hold amazing nests for the mice.
  • A lot similar to attics, the next spot around the house that you can consider looking for mice nests in the basement. They have a very similar setting to an attic, especially in terms of the clutter, vents, pipelines, and scope for more nesting.
  • Given that mice are often looking for food sources around your house and the close vicinity, don’t be surprised to spot one or many around the kitchen and the pantry area too. You must stay vigilant since mice carry many diseases that could be left behind in the food they come in contact with.

Besides these major spots, you can also find mice infiltrating the cracks and breaks in the walls. Cavity walls are also a good spot for mice infestation. You will often find the mice climbing up such walls and digging through them. If you find something similar, we’d recommend not taking it for granted. The quicker you act, the easier it gets to eliminate the infestation.

What Kinds of Surfaces are Safe from Mice?

When climbing along the walls or the different kinds of staircases or buildings, mice need some kind of grip or leverage to hold onto. So, when it comes to the surfaces that the mice can’t climb, it includes smoother surfaces like metal, smooth plastic, etc.

So, while the answer to “Can mice climb walls?” is yes, it is true that they can’t climb through very smooth, slippery, and plain surfaces. They can climb through textured surfaces because they can grip the surface to push themselves upwards.

If you are struggling with mice infestation and want to minimize it to an extent, we’d recommend installing smoother surfacing or finish to the walls, stairs, or the areas where the mice frequent the most. Doing so will eventually prevent them from returning in the future.

List of Ways to Stop Mice Infestation and Climbing

So, a few mice have climbed up the attic or the walls of your home and taken shelter in the cracks of the ceiling where you can’t reach them. Leaving them be will eventually wreak havoc in the house, further complicating things.

What you can do instead is find permanent ways to get rid of the infestation. Remember that all the techniques and tricks we will sort out in this article are humane practices. We won’t highlight any method involving hurting or killing the mice.

1. Start with Preventive Measures

Strong vigilance is the easiest way to keep a mice infestation out of your home and kitchen. Instead of not paying attention to cleaning, you need to manually scope the areas in the house that are at heightened risk of being infiltrated by mice.

One of the easiest preventive measures is keeping food scraps out of the kitchen. Never leave your food open and unattended on the kitchen counters. Additionally, if you have any leftover food you accidentally spilled, clean them up immediately.

Not just human food; you need to be mindful of dog food and cat food as well. If they smell food around, they will bite through the material of the dog food bag to get access to it.

2. Keep the Trash Enclosed

Open trash is an invitation to different kinds of rodents, including mice. So, if you have a habit of leaving your trash bags open, rectify the mistake and keep the lids of the trashcan closed.

Ensuring that the trash cans are closed keeps the mice out of the vicinity of the area and out of your homes. Doing so ensures that the mice won’t climb up and down the walls to infest your homes.

3. Spray Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint Oil

Unlike most humans who enjoy peppermint’s pungent and minty smell, we can’t say the same for rodents, especially mice. They despise the smell of peppermint, so if you find them climbing up the walls and stairs into areas out of your reach, try spraying those areas with some peppermint oil.

The pungent smell of peppermint will keep the mice away and reduce your burden of consistently worrying about them infesting your home. Besides peppermint, mice also don’t enjoy the smell of ammonia, which is another effective way to keep them out of your home.

4. Humane Traps

Humane Mouse Trap

If you find mice frequently in a few particular areas in your home, humane traps are an excellent way to catch and release them.

However, the thing with these traps is that you must strategically place them. The last thing you want to do is leave them in vain and notice no tangible results.

Once you have caught the mice, cover the trap so that you don’t get bit by them. You can later open the trap somewhere safe and release them.

If you were confused about whether mice can climb walls, we hope this article answers your queries in detail. Just ensure that you have all the deterrents in place and make your house as inhabitable as possible. Ideally, you want to keep food away and have smoother surfaces to prevent the mice from climbing and hopping around.

Also read: How to Get Rid of Dead Mouse Smell? | 10 Effective Methods

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can mice climb on ceilings?

Mice are very agile and flexible. Since they are pretty lightweight, it isn’t surprising that they can easily climb on the ceilings too.

Will sleeping with lights on keep mice away?

It might help to an extent, but we don’t recommend trusting everything on it since it doesn’t work as effectively.

What sounds scare mice away?

Sonic and ultrasonic sounds are great mice deterrents and can derail them from climbing the walls and stairs.

By James Edwards

James Edwards is a writer & editor with almost 15 years of experience from Murphys, California. He earned his bachelor’s degree in creative writing from Johns Hopkins University.

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